LTI Tools

What are LTI Tools?

Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) is a common technical standard by which eLearning tools are integrated into a learning management system (LMS), allowing students and instructors to direct access its content and features. eLearning tools can integrate with an LMS to directly link to content, assess students, send grades, and more.

The following tools are integrated with OWL Brightspace for specific courses:






Request an LTI Tool

The move to a new learning management system provides an opportunity to re-evaluate existing processes. To streamline the assessment of eLearning tools, enhance data security, and protect student information and university assets within OWL Brightspace, a new assessment process for integrating eLearning tools has been developed. This process will both ensure a more controlled and secure LMS environment and offer students more consistency across their learning experience by ensuring tools are integrated thoughtfully.

Step 1) Is the tool already available?

Check the list of integrated tools on this page to confirm the tool you’re interested in is not already available in OWL Brightspace.

If the tool is integrated for all courses, there is no need to submit a request. You can add this tool to your OWL Brightspace course. For further assistance with these tools, contact the WTS Helpdesk.

If the tool is integrated for specific courses but not your department or faculty or is not in either list, you can proceed to step 2.

Step 2) Pedagogical Self-Reflection

Before you undertake the LTI Request Process, we strongly recommend that you go through a short self-reflection provided by the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) designed to help you assess how the tool aligns with your instructional goals while considering other factors that may offeset benefits for choosing the tool, such as required additional instructor or student time to set up, manage, or learn to use it.

You can download the self-reflection as a PDF. Once completed, please continue on to the next step in the process.

Step 3) Submit your request

Submit your LTI Request via Jira. The WTS eLearning Technology Team will complete a tehcnical review of the tool's integration requirements.

Step 4) Technology Risk Pre-Assessment

After the tecnical review, you will be asked to contact Western’s Technology Risk Assessment Committee (TRAC) at with the name of the tool and vendor.

Depending on the tool, TRAC may ask that you complete a technology risk pre-assessment or full assessment.

Note: If a technology is deemed high or medium risk by TRAC, awareness and acceptance of risk on behalf of the organization will be required by your Budget Head (Dean or AVP) before it can be integrated into OWL Brightspace.

Communicate the status of your TRAC assessment in your LTI Request Jira ticket.

Step 5) Decision

If approved, your tool will be integrated into OWL Brightspace.



For questions about TRAC, please visit