
What is Proctortrack

Proctortrack is a remote proctoring tool that leverages automation and AI to proctor online assessments in your OWL course.

What is the purpose of Proctortrack

Proctortrack works in conjunction with your OWL or Gradescope test, offering an additional layer of security and proctoring services for your exams that allows you to ensure the integrity of an online assessment process. Specifically, Proctortrack verifies the identity of the student taking the exam, monitors the student during the exam via webcam and microphone, and monitors the student's computer activity.

How to use Proctortrack

Proctortrack is available in OWL Sakai and OWL Brightspace. Instructors can configure the tool with the assessments they want to proctor and select from a number of security settings (including white listing specific websites, allowing calculators, etc.). Students access their assessment in the Proctortrack tool, which then launches the Proctortrack software on their computer.

Before using Proctortrack, instructors should identify their remotely proctored online assessments in Extranet. This allows Exam Central to plan for support staff. More information is available on the Office of the Registrar's website.

Where to find Support

This tool is centrally supported


Support for Proctortrack is provided by Exam Central at the Office of the Registrar.


For more information on how to use Proctortrack, visit the Office of the Registrar's website.

Last Updated: May 21, 2024


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