
What is NameCoach

NameCoach is a name pronunciation tool that allows students to record their names for instructors to understand how to pronounce them correctly.

What is the purpose of NameCoach

By understanding how their students want to be addressed, it enables instructors to create a respectful and inclusive learning experience and better communicate with learners.

How to use NameCoach

NameCoach is available to Western faculty and students in OWL Brightspace. The NameCoach roster view is only available to instructors. Students only have access to the NameCoach recorder and cannot see their peers’ names nor access their recordings.

Students only need to record their name once. Once recorded, it will populate in any course that uses NameCoach.

Where to find Support

This tool is centrally supported


For help, you can contact the WTS Helpdesk


Documentation for NameCoach is available on the WTS website.

Security and Privacy

This tool has been formally reviewed by Western’s Technology Risk Assessment Committee

Security and Privacy Flags

Information Collection

  • Application collects information that could identify the user specifically (email address, class schedule, etc..)


  • Application's Terms of Conditions or End User License Agreement poses a risk of binding the institution to an agreement thereby requiring legal counsel to review the application. However, this is mitigated as it has undergone legal review during the Technology Risk Assessment process.


  • This application is hosted outside of Canada

Last Updated: May 21, 2024


The eLearning Toolkit Evaluations are made available under the terms of the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence


Leave feedback to comment or request that the tool be re-reviewed


Ratings icons are based off images made by authors on Freepik, Zurb, and Icomoon and licensed by CC BY 3.0