What is H5P

H5P is a web application used to create interactive HTML5 activities that can be embedded in an OWL lesson. These activities include multiple choice questions, images with hotspots, charts, interactive videos, and many more. For a full list of current H5P activities, see H5P's Official Example Page.

What is the purpose of H5P

The purpose of the tool is to add interactivity into courses to help engage students. The activities cannot be graded, however they are valuable as knowledge self-checks for students. They also help present content in visually appealing and interesting ways.

How to use H5P

To create an H5P activity and add it to an OWL Lesson, use eCampusOntario's H5P portal. On the main page you can find existing open source H5P activities that other ontario instructors have created. If you would like to use these, they are available under a creative commons license. (Note: You are not required to make your activities available, however you can if you wish)

If you would like to create your own H5P module, you must register with eCampus Ontario, create the H5P module through their system, and then use the embed code provided to add it to an OWL lesson. Instructions on how to do this are available through eCampusOntario's getting started webpage

Where to find Support

This tool is not centrally supported

Help and Documentation

Additional information on H5P can be found:

Tool Evaluation

Functionality overall rating: 2 starsFunctionality

Rating Rationale
Scale rating: 2 stars


The tool can be scaled to accommodate any size class but lacks flexibility to create smaller sub-groups or communities of practice.

Ease of use rating:2 stars

Ease of Use

While the instructor may face a learning curve in creating H5P activities, students find them easy and enjoyable to interact with.

Tech Support/ Help Availability rating: 2 stars

Tech Support/Help Availability

Technical support and help documentation is available in the form of web pages or videos.

Hypermediality rating: 3 stars


The tool allows users to communicate through different channels (audio, visual, textual) and allows for non-sequential, flexible/adaptive engagement with material.

Accessibility overall rating: 2 starsAccessibility

Rating Rationale
AODA Friendly rating: 2 stars

AODA Friendly

Accessibility is a recent focus of H5P. Not all of the available activities are accessible. However there is a list of activities that have been vetted for accessibility.

User Foused Participation rating: 3 stars

User-focused participation

The tool is designed to address the needs of diverse users, their various literacies, and capabilities, thereby widening opportunities for participation in learning.

Required Equipment rating: 3 stars

Required Equipment

Proper use of the tool does not require equipment other than a computer and access to the internet.

Technical overall rating: 3 starsTechnical

Rating Rationale
OWL Integration rating: 3 stars

OWL Integration

The tool can be embedded and fully integrated into OWL maintaining full functionality of the tool.

Operating Systems rating: na stars

Operating Systems

Users can effectively utilize the tool with any standard, up-to-date operating system (i.e. Windows 10, MacOS, etc.)

Web Browser rating: 3 stars

Web Browser

Users can effectively utilize the tool with any standard, up-to-date web browser (i.e.  Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, etc.)

Additional Tech Requirements rating: 3 stars

Additional Tech Requirements

Users can effectively utilize the tool without any browser extensions or downloaded software.

Mobile Design overall rating: 1 star Mobile Design

Rating Rationale
Mobile Operating Systems rating: 3 stars

Mobile Operating Systems

H5P is accessible through the browser on mobile devices. It does not require an iOS, Android, or Windows App.

Mobile Functionality rating: 2 stars

Mobile Functionality

Due to the small screen size, some activities will not display well on a mobile phone. Additionally, it is not recommended to use a mobile device to create the activities. However because the activities are HTML5 based and will resize, most will function well on mobile.
Offline Access rating: 1 star

Offline Access

The platform cannot be used in any capacity offline.

Usage and account set up overall rating: 2 starsUsage and Account Set Up

Rating Rationale
Sign Up/Sign In rating: 2 stars

Sign Up/Sign In

An instructor account/login is required but students are not required to create an external account or additional log in.


Cost of Use rating:  3 stars

Cost of Use

All aspects of the tool can be used free of charge.

Archiving Saving and Exporting Data rating: 3 star

Archiving, Saving, and Exporting Data

Users can archive, save, or import and export content or activity data in a variety of formats.

Data Privacy and Ownership rating: 3 star

Data Privacy and Ownership

Users maintain ownership and copyright of their intellectual property/data; the user can keep data private and decide if/how data is to be shared.

Social Presence overall rating: 2 starsSocial Presence

Rating Rationale
Collaboration rating: na stars


The tool is not intended to provide collaboration between students.

User Accountability rating: 2 stars

User Accountability

Instructors cannot control student anonymity and there is no technical solution for holding users accountable to their actions. With this noted, Students' actions are limited to those the instructor provides.

Diffusion rating: na star


Student familiarity with the tool is likely mixed, some will lack basic technical competence with its functions.

Instructor Presence overall rating: 1 starsInstructor Presence

Rating Rationale
Facilitation rating:1 stars


The tool has not been designed to support an instructor’s an instructor’s ability to be present with students via active management, monitoring, and engagement.

Customization rating: 3 stars


Tool is adaptable to its environment: easily customized to suit the classroom context and targeted learning outcomes.

Learning Analytics rating: 1 stars

Learning Analytics

The tool does not support the collection of learning analytics.

Cognitive Presence overall rating: 2 starsCognitive Presence

Rating Rationale
Enhancement of Cognitive Task(s) rating: 3 stars

Enhancement of Cognitive Task(s)

The tool enhances engagement in targeted cognitive task(s) that were once overly complex or inconceivable through other means

Higher Order Thinking rating: 2 stars

Higher Order Thinking

The tool may engage students in higher order thinking skills (given significant consideration to design, facilitation, and direction from instructor)

Feedback on Learning rating:2 stars

Feedback on Learning

Opportunities for receiving formative feedback on learning are available, but infrequent or limited (i.e. poor opportunities for tracking performance, monitoring improvement, testing knowledge on a regular basis)

Security and Privacy

This tool has not been formally reviewed by Western’s Technology Risk Assessment Committee

Security and Privacy Flags


  • Users are required to create and use a non-Western account. It is highly recommended that users do not use the same username and password that is in use at Western.

Last Updated: July 16, 2020


The eLearning Toolkit Evaluations are made available under the terms of the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence


Leave feedback to comment or request that the tool be re-reviewed


Ratings icons are based off images made by authors on Freepik, Zurb, and Icomoon and licensed by CC BY 3.0