Flipped Classrooms

The "Flipped Classroom" or "flipped learning" is a pedagogical model in which the the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed; that is to say, the lecture is viewed at home, while the "homework" assignment is completed in class. It is most often used in blended learning scenarios where students watch a video lecture on the Internet (typically disseminated through a learning management system, like OWL).

The flipped classroom endeavors to foster more personalized guidance for and interaction with students, as opposed to the traditional lecture format. Flipped learning offers free class time for hands-on work. Students learn by doing and asking questions. Since the practical, problem-solving work is done in class, students can also help each other, a process that benefits both the advanced and less advanced learners. Having students view video lectures from home allows them to work at their own pace. 

Instructors provide students with video lectures through the learning management system (it is advisable to keep videos between 5 and 7 minutes). When students come to class to work on practical assignments, the instructor acts as a facilitator or guide, rather than a lecturer. A successful flipped classroom requires careful and thorough preparation.
